Our Services

Your Future, Your Needs, Your Objectives



The Goal of Wealth Management is to create sustainable foundations for the preservation, growth, and succession of the Wealth. Wealth Management combines both financial planning and specialized financial services, including personal retail banking services, estate planning, legal and tax advice, and investment management services. At BTA we can provide you with the required support and guidance to organize your wealth in such a way that will release you from the stress and burden that this may involve. This is achieved by enabling our knowledge in combination with our expertise, by listening carefully to you, your worries, needs and aspirations. We analyze the wealth, its environment, jurisdiction, familiar situation, and all the other factors that may impact your wealth’s objectives. Starting from the basics such as wills, pensions and protection cover, to wider concerns such as supporting a good cause, running a family business, or passing on your wealth, we can guide you every step of the way.

We can execute, ourselves or through selected partners, the proposed plans:

  • Financial Planning
  • Protection Cover
  • Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning
  • Family Business

Simplicity, Efficiency, Preservation, Growth

Let Us take care of all the formalities when it comes to this chapter of your life, while You just enjoy it.

Fund Management Services

The Aim of the Fund Management Services is to broader the selection of investment opportunities and create efficiency in all possible aspects. We are licensed Fund Managers and through this service we provide a robust and comprehensive management of Clients’ wealth by implementing the necessary analysis on Clients’ profile, in regard to the environment of the wealth, asset classes, jurisdiction and other factors that may impact Clients’ investment objectives. Vast expertise with different jurisdictions (DIFC, Cayman, Lux) and asset classes (Market Securities, Real Estate, Commodities, Private Equity).

BTA can support and execute the proposed plan by:

  • Fund setup and its registration with local entities
  • Draft the Investment memorandum and its investment policy
  • Liaise with all service providers for the Fund (Legal, Auditors, Fund Administrators, Custodian)
  • Asset Management

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The Art of Management the Investments is defined by implementing various strategies and mandates. Our dedicated group of specialists ensures to meet the goals, objectives, and risk profile of our Clients’. This is achieved by applying our skills, vast experience and in combination with our high-tech tools, to provide sustainable results.


BTA offers the service of the Custody, thus Clients can open an investment account directly with BTA.

Discretionary Mandates

For the Clients that do not have the time or knowledge, nor do they want to get actively involved with their investment decisions, we design and manage the portfolios on their behalf. This is achieved by fostering dynamic techniques designed to adjust over time according to markets’ demands as well as Clients’ needs.

Investment Advisory Mandates

We advise our Clients and together we discuss the investment opportunities and options through investments strategies and specific themes that help them pursue their investment objectives, aspirations and targets.


For the Clients that are passionate about investing, do have the time and would like to actively manage the portfolios themselves, we can provide them with the tools through our platform to execute their trading orders efficiently and promptly. Our philosophy and approach is to create the prerequisites for our Clients to have a one point of Governance of their wealth if they wish so.

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A Booking Center – A Platform to operate from:

BTA can become your booking center:

    • For Fixed Income Execution;

    • For the execution of the orders depending on the Mandates;

      • Discretionary Mandates • Advisory Mandate • Execution Only

    • Execution services to Institutional Clients.


  • Robust Execution Activity

  • Ensure perfect settlement

  • Competitive prices

  • Time efficient

Main points:

  • Worldwide network of Brokers (USA, Europe, Middle East, Asia);

  • Diversity of Counterparties;

  • Strong ties with our Counterparties;

  • Expertise;

  • Strategic location.


  • Trade Execution

  • Best Execution – optimized pricing

  • DVP or FOP trade settlement

  • Broad suit of investment products

Key Aspects:

  • Worldwide network of counterparties

  • Location

  • DVP or FOP trade settlement

  • Diversification

  • Fast execution

  • High skilled

Prime Brokerage account with Euroclear and other international banks allows BTA to offer the best execution and efficient settlement.

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What we do:

  • We offer Corporate and Investment Banking solutions meeting our Clients’ requirements.
  • Integrate various aspects of asset management, wealth management along with corporate and investment banking strategy.

Our Added Value:

  • One stop shop offering integrated (multidisciplinary) and multi-jurisdictional services under the same roof.
  • Deliver efficient, effective and swift solutions with full privacy.
  • Dedicated experienced professionals.



Corporate Banking:

  • Corporate debt
  • Asset backed lending
  • Trade Finance
  • Commodity Trade Finance
  • Project Finance

Investment Banking:

  • Structured Finance
  • M&A
  • MBO
  • Fund Raising
  • Start-up
  • IPO

Why Us:

  • Solutions
  • Integration
  • Execution
  • Privacy
  • Origination
  • Coordination
  • Multi Jurisdiction
  • Diversification
  • Expertise

Our inter-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional experience enables us to provide comprehensive solutions.

Integrated solutions aim to have holistic impact on business.

Our comprehension of Financial Markets and outstanding relationship with the Financial Ecosystem keeps us up to date, enables us to develop and implement solutions.


BTA Ecosystem:

Funds – Private Banks – Lawyers – Tax Advisors – Investment Banks – Investors – Corporate Bankers – Asset Managers – Advisors – Family Offices – Corporate Services Providers – Regulators


Industries: Healthcare, Infrastructures, Energy, Hospitality, Technology, Other


Region: Dubai / UAE, GCC, Africa, Europe, South America


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